
CREATURE(type, size hex, # reach)
Resiliency +?, Willpower +?, Speed ?
Defenses dodge +?, others
Attacks +?
Skills +?
Abilities +?




Einodian Horrors






The soulbind ritual, also called the Familiar ritual by many, takes a piece of the soul pearl of two creatures and exchanges them. This is most commonly performed between a person, and an animal; taking a very small piece of the person's pearl and exchanging it for what is the same size from the animal. From the perspective of the animal's soul pearl this could be as much as half of their pearl. Creatures with mixed soul pearls gain a deeper understanding of each other and a strong emotional bond. When one of the two creatures dies after having undertaken the soulbind ritual, the other can be targeted as a representative of the deceased's soul; allowing for spells that bring back the dead to work properly.

Animals are not the only potential targets of the soulbind ritual however. Uolune jewellery and Dawnism wands are other common choices. It is not unheard of for some spellcasters to have their soul pearl mixed with that of a tree, requesting that the tree bring them back should they die. These people typically become wooden in appearance and take on the moniker of 'Dryad'. But all together, the most common targets for the soulbind ritual are household pets, and marriage partners.

The terminology and abilities that result from the soulbind ritual depend on the targets involved.


The bond partner of a familiar is always aided on skills the familiar has abilities of. When the partner of a familiar attempts any form of social interaction with creatures of the same type as their familiar(such as rodents, or avians), the aid die is the smallest die capable of rolling a number half the familiar's status modifier. A familiar with a status modifier of +20 or higher grants a +10 aid bonus instead of an aid die in this circumstance.

Familiars gain limited access to the skillset of their bond. The familiar gains access to all abilities of their bond that do not require any specific form of anatomy. Familiars are always aware of the location and emotional state of their bond and those with an effective Insight of +4 or higher can communicate telepathically with their bond. Additionally, any time the Familiar's Bond would gain a new ability, they may instead choose for the Familiar to gain an ability instead. The Familiar's bond may choose to accept any form of damage their familiar takes from a magical source in the familiar's stead.


Two people can be bound using the soulbind ritual, usually this is performed as part of a wedding ceremony, leading to the link being called the spousal link. However it is not unheard of for this to occur platonically. In the case of a spousal link, both participants are considered the "bond partner" and so gain the same effects;

Firstly, bond partners are always aware of the location and emotional state of their bonds. A bond partner with a species tier of at least 4 can send telepathic messages to their bond. If both bond partners have this capacity, they can share senses in addition to thoughts. This can result in randomly sending memories however.

Secondly, bond partners can draw strength from each other and are always considered to be aiding the other on Willpower Defence and Resiliency rolls. A bond partner may choose to accept any form of damage their bond takes from a magical source in the bond's stead.